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Garnet Valley Performing Arts:


High School Musical- Ripper

Annie- Louis Howe

Hunchback Of Notre Dame- Saint Aphrodisius

Suessical- Mr. Mayor 

The Sound of Music- Friedrich Von Trapp

How long: 2 years so far

Why I joined: I wanted to do this for a long time, but I was too scared to do it. I took the guts to audition for High School Musical. This show and Annie helped me find myself and find my friends that I have to this date. I learned that I could belong and Drama Club helped me find that. I found a new side of myself; outgoing, confident, happy. I couldn't explain in words how much Drama Club and Preforming arts makes me feel. It brightens up my day; even if I have 20,000 tests or quizzes that day, or I have loads of homework.


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